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Senior QCE System
Features of the QCE System
The Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) issues a Senior Education Profile (SEP) to Queensland students upon completion of Senior secondary schooling.
Students may receive a combination of the following:
- Senior Statement
- Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE)
- Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement (QCIA)
Vocational Education and Training Certificates or Statements of Attainment will be issued by (Registered Training Organisations).
QTAC (Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre) will issue the ATAR Result in an ATAR Notice expected to be online.
ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank)
Students seeking University Entrance receive an ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) upon completion of an eligible senior course of study. The ATAR is used to determine which students should be offered places in tertiary courses. The ATAR is in use in all other states, even though the calculation method varies. Each year, all states compare their results to ensure the ATAR is consistent across Australia. The ATAR is a result between 0 and 99.95 with increments of 0.05. Results below 30 are reported as ‘30 and below’.
An External Exam, set and marked outside the school by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) is the last piece of assessment in Year 12 for General Subjects (subjects used in the calculation of an ATAR). An opportunity is available for students preparing for employment to also have an Applied subject or Certificate III or IV courses included in an ATAR calculation.
Continuity through Year 10
Year 10 ‘Introduction to Senior’ Subjects (in Year 10 Semester 2) taught by Senior Teachers have given our students a head start in preparation for Senior for over a decade. This structure is ideal for providing entry into Senior schooling that our students need for the QCE System.
All Years 7 to 10 subjects have been revised to incorporate continuous preparation for students by using the new terms and assessment styles required to lead seamlessly into Senior schooling. The work is at the correct level of difficulty for each year level and builds understanding in year level steps so that it is ‘second nature’ when students reach Senior years of schooling.
Progressive Consolidation
All Years 7 to 10 subjects have a revision program incorporated so that essential knowledge is consolidated progressively to be ready for the requirements of Year 11.
Supporting Families
The Careers Program at Holy Spirit College supports students and families to learn and transition to the QCE System through:
- additional Careers Sessions for Year 10 students,
- information flyers provided to parents,
- Pathways through Senior @ HSC Subject Expo, and
- Mentoring sessions with students and their families at important decision making junctures to plan for the future.